Fleas On Your Cats: Learn How To Get Rid Of Fleas On Cats Naturally

If you find your cat having fleas, it is important to take heed and start getting rid of fleas on cats naturally, to protect your cat as well as prevent fleas in house. Check out the best flea treatment for cats, as such an infestation could result in skin problems as well as other health issues for your cat. What’s more, many cats are also allergic to chemical treatment, so it makes sense to know about some natural remedies to get rid of fleas on cats.

However, most cats are allergic to essential oils and they also keep licking themselves, which makes natural remedies rather tricky to use on them. There are several preventive measures, but also some actionable steps that you could take when you find your cat infested with fleas.

Learn How To Get Rid Of Fleas On Cats Naturally

Flea Treatment for Cats: Lather and Rinse

Nothing like a good, thorough, regular bath. Now, this is a little complicated as we all know that cats hate getting wet.

Flea Treatment for Cats

  • While getting rid of fleas, fill a small bathtub with some warm water and first introduce the cat’s legs into it. If it is comfortable, moisten the other parts of the body with the hand.
  • Give a shampoo massage over the entire body, especially paying attention to the head, the neck and the tail.
  • If fleas try to escape use a comb or your fingers, grab them and put them into a mug of hot water.
  • Finally, to get rid of fleas on cats, use a comb to remove the remaining flea and tick and drop these also into the hot water mug.
  • After finishing, wash the cat’s coat well with warm water and rinse it so that there is no soap remaining.

Flea Combs for Cats

Get Rid Of Fleas On Cats Naturally

  • In order to remove the fleas on cats, opt for a regular comb or a super fine toothed comb to get better results. There are also ergonomic combs with double sets of metallic teeth or teeth that are turned at a right angle, making it more comfortable for your cat.
  • Use a lemon spray on your cat’s skin.
  • Alternatively, soak the comb in lemon steep and then start combing the cat’s skin.
  • Hook and twist to lift ticks.
  • Repeat twice in a day.

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Cat Bedding Flea Control

While considering flea control for cats, be sure to wash your cat’s bedding. Adult fleas may not be present in the bedding, but the larvae or eggs off fleas end up falling on the bedding.

  • Check for small white eggs or black specks of flea feces in the cat’s bedding.

Tip: It will look like a mix of salt and pepper!

Cat Bedding Flea Control

  • Vacuum the bedding thoroughly in order to remove the eggs, larvae and flea feea feces.
  • Vacuum carpets and other places where the cat rests as well and throw it away in sealed bag.
  • What kills fleas? Launder the bedding, rugs, pillows used by your pet in hot water and dry it in a hot setting. This will kill all the remaining fleas. Dry it in the sun if possible to get rid of fleas on cats.

Diatomaceous Earth for Vacuuming

It’s lucky for us that fleas hate diatomaceous earth, which is a natural and safe control to use in your home and the best way to get rid of fleas in house. DE is a small coral creature, whose shell is crushed to a powder when dry. It is harmless to cats, so long as it doesn’t get into the eyes.

diatomaceous earth

  • Focus on the areas that your cat usually uses, namely, pillows, rugs, kennel, cat tree, bed and carpets, as fleas in carpets is a very common occurrence.
  • Vacuum the areas before sprinkling DE to remove fleas in house.
  • Now, dust these areas using diatomaceous earth. You can use an applicator or just a sieve on the pet bed, blankets and so on in order to get rid of fleas on cats.

Tip: Diatomaceous Earth is most effective in dry areas, so ensure there is no dampness.

  • Repeat the procedure every few days. After a few weeks, vacuum the area and collect the remaining fleas, larvae, feces etc. to break the cycle.

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Natural Flea Collars for Cats

There are many chemical based flea collars available in the market, but they might harm your cat, irritate the skin or the respiratory tract. It is easy to make a natural homemade flea collar, which acts like a flea repellent for cats.

  • Buy nylon or cotton pet collars at a pet store and infuse it with one teaspoon of vodka mixed with a few drops of cedarwood essential oil.

Natural Flea Collars for Cats

Tip: Learn how to make a natural flea collar for your cat!

Natural Scents – Flea Killer for Cats

This is one of the natural flea treatments for cats.

  • Fleas don’t like the taste of citrus, vinegar, apple cider vinegar, rosemary, cedar chips, aloe vera juice, lavender, eucalyptus, brewer’s yeast, thyme, peppermint, lemongrass and so on.
  • Use these natural fresheners to make a flea spray and get rid of fleas.
  • Combine vinegar with lemon juice, rosemary, eucalyptus and so on and spray it on the cat’s bedding, floors, carpets and furniture.
  • Repeat this procedure every few days till the fleas are gone.

Tip: There are various essential oils that you can use as flea repellents. If your cat will not tolerate a spray, you can just rub a diluted solution of freshly squeezed lemon juice or any of these other fresh juices on the cat’s fur, behind the ears, around the tail, under the legs and so on.

Flea Killer for Cats

Prevention of Fleas on Cats

  • Fleas live outside, so keep your cat indoors as far as possible.
  • Keep away from forested or wooded areas, as it is in these places that cats pick up fleas, when they are stalking critters among the bushes.

Wrap Up

If your cat is regularly itching or scratching, it’s time you took some of these natural steps to get rid of the fleas on it’s skin and offer immediate relief. Fleas cause itching as well as fatigue. They are also carriers of several other diseases, such as lyme and bubonic plague! Start by getting rid of fleas in your backyard.

These are natural methods of protecting your cat from fleas and eliminating the pests. There are many flea powders as well as  topical treatments and flea medicines for cats available in the market as well. However, many cats are allergic to these chemicals and medications.  Moreover, you cannot use such medications and chemicals on a kitten. Care for your cat naturally, use these simple remedies and take control of the flea situation without using harmful chemicals.

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